Historical Note:
This is a collection of Schenectady-area public high school yearbooks dated between 1908 and 1969. The first Schenectady high school, Nott Terrace High School, was opened in 1904. The school closed in 1957 upon completion of a new school building, Linton High School. Linton High School, along Mont Pleasant High School, which opened in 1930, served as the district's two high schools until they were consolidated in 1992 to form Schenectady High School. The Mont Pleasant High School building subsequently reopened as a middle school.
For more information about the history of public education in Schenectady prior to Nott Terrace High School, see Jeanette G. Neisuler's online book,
The History of Education in Schenectady, 1661-62---1961-62.
Description of the Collection:
Through the years the historical society has received generous donations of both public and private school yearbooks. This is a listing of the public school yearbooks available to view in our collection.
Nott Terrace High School/Schenectady High School (Formerly Union Classical Institute)
Years open: 1904-1957
Printed in Jan and June of each year
Years available: 1908-1932, 1935, with gaps
SHUCIS, 1914 |
SHUCIS, 1914 |
"The Terracian"
Years available: 1932-1957, (missing 1944, '48-'53, '55)
The Terracian, 1933 |
The Terracian, 1933 |
Mont Pleasant High School
Years available: 1933-1938, '43, '44, '51, '54, '55, '57, '58, '61, '67.
Montaneer, 1937 |
Montaneer, 1937 |
Linton High School
Years available: 1958, 1969
Lintonaire, 1969 |
Lintonaire, 1969 |